5 steps to deal with sexual harassment in NJ

As an employee, you should be working in an environment that’s safe and secure. Cases involving sexual harassment in NJ are not rare, and if you have suffered such behavior, you should be proactive and fight for your rights. Sadly, not many employees and workers know what it takes to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace, and we have a few steps listed below for your help.

  1. Learn about cases of sexual harassment: Unwelcome advances from supervisors, colleagues, and other workers, unsolicited comments about your body or shape, offensive jokes, and seeking sexual favors in return for something are clear examples of sexual harassment. You can find considerable info online about such cases.
  2. Keep records: While this may not be entirely easy, you have to find ways to record such incidents. Emails, phone messages, texts on other apps, and recorded conversations can help prove sexual harassment. You should also have a notebook that entails information related to each incident, including dates and locations.
  3. Check the sexual harassment policies: Employers are usually required to have a clear policy for addressing sexual harassment concerns internally. If you don’t have the handbook or don’t understand the protocols, consider looking for details. You can contact the HR department or talk to your colleagues.
  4. Report the incident: Don’t wait for things to get worse. If the situation allows, you may talk to the harasser and let them know that you feel uncomfortable about their behavior. If that doesn’t work, you should report the matter to the relevant departments.
  5. Meet an employment attorney: There are law firms in NJ that represent employees who have suffered discrimination and harassment at work. You should meet an attorney to know whether your sexual harassment claim has a premise and what you can do next to address the matter, especially if your employer failed to take action.

If there is an internal investigation about the matter, cooperate with the team in charge. Also, talk to the attorney about whether you should file a complaint, which must be done within a due deadline. For instance, if you want to file an alleged sexual harassment case with the EEOC, you must do so within 300 days. You can also file a complaint with New Jersey DCR, for which you have 180 days.

A case of sexual harassment might also result in retaliation, and it is wise to have a legal team to protect your rights and interests.